Friday, January 22, 2010

♫ I just want your extra time and your..... kiss! ♫ ♫ ♫

I´m not supposed to be blogging. I´m supposed to be studying. Does that stop me from reaching out to my wonderful readers and telling them about my amazing life in Japan while listening to Prince? Never!

The exams kicked off last Wednesday after we had to hand in our essays. So glad that that´s over....
So far I´ve been doing fine, except for my oral exam.... I managed to get sick so I was very tired, aching and had no idea what I was saying or why the teacher was asking me about cell phones. Apparently a very common and valid topic for an exam here in the land of upside-down but I was just very confused and forgot I was taking an exam while I started babbling about the good and bad points of having a cell phone. Monday I have my last Japanese exam (reading comprehension and kanji) and a religious exam later on. Thursday is my last one before I run into spring break like a calf in spring... break....!

Yesterday was sad to say the least, we had a "see you again party", which is the positive cousin of the better known "goodbye party" but as emotions tend to run high some clever person decided to rename the whole thing to keep rivers of bitter tears of as small proportions as possible. I skipped to the party, which was held on the first floor of the I-House, not really comprehending what it meant... that people would be going home. These things take me a while... The floor was crawling with people, from the "Friends" group, tutors, random Japanese people I have never seen before, creepy Russian Harry Potter guy, us exchange students and inhabitants of the I-House. After talking, frolicking and feasting we fed our eyes with a picture show from last semester (the people who are leaving have been here for one more semester that I have), as well as this one. Very entertaining. :) After all that, we listened to some speeches by these very same people and not a dry cheek was to be found in the building. No one really wanted to go home (obviously) and have to separate from their friends and people who they had come to call family. It was so hard not to cry but as I knew I am going to cry buckets of my own when I have to leave I decided to wait a few months and managed to choke back some tears throughout the evening.

It wasn´t until the most genki (energetic) people of the I-House took their bags and walked out the door that I finally realized half the people here are really leaving ... it was a very emotional moment. It´s going to be very quiet without them, and so many people I will miss. It almost seems unfair....
But life goes on and emails have been exchanged. Next semester we have so many people storming the house and we will have some more great times. :)

I cannot wait for our two month vacation! I´m going to travel as much as I can around Japan and drink in as much experience as humanly possible. Haven´t planned anything concrete yet BUT I will go meet my people in Tokyo and go snowboarding and mojito drinking with Svanni, Björk and Sakai sensei! <3  Have never snowboarded in my entire life so it should be interesting :)
For the most part I will simply enjoy (cannot stretch that fact out enough!!) simply being in Japan, there is nothing that could make me more happy, and being free! *drifts away*

Alors, mes petits, be good, be happy and feel the love I am sending through this post. :)
All my best to everyone who reads this!
Spring is coming soon!

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